Outdoor Toys

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Rs. 299
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Sports Outdoor Toys: Active Fun for Kids


In a world dominated by screens and gadgets, encouraging kids to get outdoors and stay active is essential for their physical and mental well-being. Sports outdoor toys offer the perfect solution, combining the joy of play with the benefits of exercise. In this article, we'll dive into the world of sports outdoor toys, discussing their importance, features, and showcasing top products available on Daraz.lk. Discover how these toys are helping children stay fit, develop essential skills, and have a blast in the great outdoors.

The Importance of Sports Outdoor Toys

Toy Type Price (LKR)
Football Set 1,500
Bicycle for Kids 6,200
Badminton Set 1,000
  • Physical Health: Sports outdoor toys promote physical activity, helping children build strength, coordination, and endurance.
  • Social Interaction: These toys encourage social interaction, teamwork, and healthy competition, fostering valuable social skills.
  • Imagination and Creativity: Outdoor play sparks imagination and creativity as children explore and invent their games and adventures.

Choosing the Right Sports Outdoor Toys

Accessory Price (LKR)
Safety Helmet 900
Kids' Sports Gear 1,200
Outdoor Play Set 4,500

Selecting the perfect sports outdoor toys involves considering several factors:

  1. Age Appropriateness: Ensure that the toy is suitable for your child's age and physical abilities.
  2. Interest: Choose toys that align with your child's interests, whether it's ball games, cycling, or racket sports.
  3. Safety: Prioritize safety with appropriate safety gear like helmets and pads.
  4. Space: Consider the available outdoor space for play, as some toys require more room than others.

Top Sports Outdoor Toy Picks

Toy Type Price (LKR)
Football Set 1,500
Bicycle for Kids 6,200
Badminton Set 1,000

Essential Toy Accessories

Accessory Price (LKR)
Safety Helmet 900
Kids' Sports Gear 1,200
Outdoor Play Set 4,500

To ensure safe and enjoyable outdoor play, consider these essential toy accessories:

  • Safety Helmet (LKR 900): Protect your child's head with a sturdy and comfortable safety helmet.
  • Kids' Sports Gear (LKR 1,200): Invest in sports gear like knee and elbow pads for added protection during physical activities.
  • Outdoor Play Set (LKR 4,500): Create a mini sports arena in your backyard with an outdoor playset featuring multiple game options.


Sports outdoor toys offer the perfect blend of fun and physical activity for kids, encouraging them to stay active and healthy. At Daraz.lk, we offer a diverse selection of sports outdoor toys to cater to every child's interests and preferences. Whether your child is scoring goals with a football set, exploring the neighborhood on a kids' bicycle, or engaging in friendly matches with a badminton set, these toys provide endless opportunities for outdoor fun. Explore our top product recommendations and witness the joy of active play in the great outdoors. With the right sports outdoor toys and essential accessories, you can help your child develop physical skills, social abilities, and a lifelong love for outdoor activities, setting the foundation for a healthy and active lifestyle.

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