Language Learning & Teaching

11 items found for "Language Learning & Teaching"

Embark on the Language Odyssey: Chinese Language Learning & Teaching Books on

Unlock the beauty and complexity of the Chinese language with a handpicked collection of language learning and teaching books now available on Whether you're a beginner eager to start your linguistic journey or a seasoned learner looking for advanced resources, these books cater to a diverse range of language proficiency levels.

1. Essentials for Beginners:

Start your Chinese language learning adventure with essential resources designed for beginners. "Integrated Chinese" and "Mandarin Companion" series provide comprehensive introductions, covering basics, vocabulary, and grammar in a structured and engaging manner.

Top Chinese Language Learning Books for Beginners on

Title Price (LKR)
Integrated Chinese (Level 1 Part 1) 2,000
Mandarin Companion - The Monkey's Paw 1,500

2. Grammar Guides and Workbooks:

Navigate the intricacies of Chinese grammar with user-friendly guides and workbooks. "Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar" and "Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners" cater to learners looking to enhance their language structure and usage skills.

Top Chinese Grammar Books on

Title Price (LKR)
Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar 1,800
Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners 2,200

3. Listening and Speaking Skills:

Develop proficiency in listening and speaking with resources that focus on language fluency. "Pimsleur Chinese" and "ChinesePod" series offer audio-based lessons, allowing learners to immerse themselves in authentic conversations and improve their pronunciation.

Top Chinese Listening and Speaking Books on

Title Price (LKR)
Pimsleur Chinese (Level 1) 2,500
ChinesePod Subscription 3,000 per month

4. Character Recognition and Writing:

Master the art of Chinese character recognition and writing with dedicated guides and practice books. "Remembering Simplified Hanzi" and "Reading and Writing Chinese" provide structured approaches to help learners grasp the complexity of Chinese characters.

Top Chinese Character Learning Books on

Title Price (LKR)
Remembering Simplified Hanzi 2,300
Reading and Writing Chinese 2,000

5. Teaching Resources for Educators:

Equip educators with comprehensive teaching resources that cater to diverse learning styles. "Teaching Chinese as a Second Language" and "Classroom Techniques for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language" offer valuable insights and strategies for effective language instruction.

Top Chinese Language Teaching Books on

Title Price (LKR)
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language 2,800
Classroom Techniques for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language 2,500 empowers language learners and educators with a curated collection of Chinese language learning and teaching books. Whether you're embarking on your Mandarin journey or seeking resources to enhance your teaching methods, these books provide a gateway to linguistic proficiency. Immerse yourself in the world of Chinese language learning, explore the nuances of grammar and characters, and achieve fluency with these top-quality resources available at your fingertips on Your language odyssey begins here!

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