Strumming the Beat: A Guide to Electric Bass Guitars

The electric bass guitar is the unsung hero of the rhythm section, providing the backbone of countless music genres, from rock and funk to jazz and beyond. Whether you're a seasoned bassist or just starting your musical journey, choosing the right electric bass guitar is crucial. In this article, we'll explore the world of electric bass guitars and present you with some top products available on, complete with their prices in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR).

The Role of the Electric Bass Guitar

The electric bass guitar plays a pivotal role in modern music:

  1. Rhythm and Groove: The bass guitar lays down the foundation of a song, providing the rhythmic pulse and groove that drives the music forward.
  2. Harmony and Melody: Bassists often add melodic and harmonic elements to songs, enhancing the overall musicality.
  3. Versatility: Electric bass guitars are used in a wide range of music genres, making them versatile instruments that can adapt to various musical styles.

Top Electric Bass Guitars on

Product Description Price (LKR)
Fender American Professional II Precision Bass 250,000 - 300,000
Ibanez SR500E Electric Bass Guitar 90,000 - 120,000
Yamaha TRBX305 5-String Electric Bass Guitar 65,000 - 80,000
Sterling by Music Man SUB Ray4 Electric Bass 45,000 - 60,000
Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass Special SS 35,000 - 45,000

Choosing the Right Electric Bass Guitar

Selecting the right electric bass guitar depends on various factors:

  1. Genre: Consider the music genre you want to play. Different bass guitars are better suited for specific genres, such as jazz, rock, or funk.
  2. Budget: Determine your budget. Electric bass guitars come in a wide price range, from affordable options for beginners to high-end models for professionals.
  3. Number of Strings: Decide whether you want a 4-string or 5-string bass. A 4-string is standard and suitable for most genres, while a 5-string adds extra depth and range.
  4. Body Type: Choose between different body styles, such as Precision (P), Jazz (J), or modern designs. Each has its unique tonal characteristics and playability.
  5. Pickups: Pay attention to the type of pickups. Single-coil pickups offer a bright, punchy sound, while humbucking pickups deliver a thicker and smoother tone.

Accessories and Amplification

To complete your bass guitar setup, you'll also need accessories like:

  1. Amplifier: An amplifier is essential for amplifying the sound of your bass guitar. Choose an amp that suits your playing style and venue size.
  2. Cables: High-quality instrument cables are necessary for connecting your bass to the amplifier.
  3. Strap and Straplocks: A comfortable strap helps you play comfortably while straplocks prevent accidental drops.
  4. Tuner: A digital tuner ensures your bass is in tune, which is crucial for good sound quality.
  5. Case or Gig Bag: A case or gig bag protects your bass guitar during transport and storage.

Maintenance and Care

Taking care of your electric bass guitar ensures it stays in excellent condition:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean the strings, fretboard, and body regularly to remove dirt and sweat.
  2. String Replacement: Change the strings when they become worn or lose their tone.
  3. Setup and Adjustment: Periodically check the neck, action, and intonation and make any necessary adjustments.
  4. Storage: Store your bass in a cool, dry place away from extreme temperatures and humidity.


An electric bass guitar is more than just an instrument; it's a gateway to rhythm, melody, and groove. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, offers a range of electric bass guitars to suit your needs and budget.

Choosing the right bass guitar is a personal journey, and it's essential to find one that feels comfortable and inspires you to play. With the right instrument and a passion for music, you can create powerful rhythms and melodies that elevate your music to new heights. So, explore the world of electric bass guitars and start strumming the beat of your musical journey.

Bass Guitars | Bass Amplifiers | Acoustic Bass Guitars