A Symphony of Flavors: Olives, Pickles, and Chutneys Galore on Daraz.lk

Embark on a culinary journey with Daraz.lk's tantalizing collection of Olives, Pickles, and Chutneys. From the zesty kick of pickles to the savory allure of olives and the aromatic richness of chutneys, our curated selection promises to add a burst of flavor to your meals. Join us as we explore the world of condiments, where each jar is a treasure trove of taste waiting to be discovered.

1. Olive Oasis: Exquisite Varieties for Every Palate:

Dive into the world of olives with our exquisite varieties that cater to every palate. From the buttery goodness of green olives to the bold intensity of Kalamata olives, this selection offers a symphony of flavors.

Product Price (LKR)
Green Stuffed Olives (250g) 300
Kalamata Olives (200g) 400
Garlic and Herb Marinated Olives (150g) 350

2. Pickle Paradise: Zesty Delights for Snacking and Pairing:

Transform your meals with our pickle paradise, offering zesty delights for snacking or pairing with your favorite dishes. From classic dill pickles to spicy gherkins, these options add a burst of tanginess to your culinary creations.

Product Price (LKR)
Crunchy Dill Pickles (300g) 250
Spicy Gherkins (200g) 200
Bread and Butter Pickle Slices (250g) 300

3. Chutney Chronicles: Aromatic Blends for Culinary Excellence:

Elevate your dishes with our chutney chronicles, featuring aromatic blends that enhance the essence of your meals. From fruity mango chutney to spicy tomato relish, these chutneys are a must-have for any culinary enthusiast.

Product Price (LKR)
Mango Chutney (300g) 350
Spicy Tomato Relish (200g) 300
Tamarind Date Chutney (250g) 400

4. Gourmet Combos: Assorted Packs for Flavor Exploration:

For those who love a bit of everything, our gourmet combos offer assorted packs for flavor exploration. These packs feature a mix of olives, pickles, and chutneys, providing a delightful variety for your culinary adventures.

Product Price (LKR)
Gourmet Flavor Trio Combo Pack 600
Mediterranean Medley Collection 700
Pickle and Chutney Sampler Set 500

5. Health and Taste: Organic and Low-Sodium Options:

Catering to health-conscious individuals, our collection includes organic and low-sodium options. Enjoy the rich taste of olives, pickles, and chutneys without compromising on your dietary preferences.

Product Price (LKR)
Organic Black Olives (200g) 450
Low-Sodium Garlic Pickles (250g) 350
Organic Apple Cider Chutney (300g) 500

Daraz.lk invites you to elevate your culinary experience with our diverse collection of Olives, Pickles, and Chutneys. Whether you're a fan of olives, love the tangy crunch of pickles, or crave the aromatic richness of chutneys, our selection caters to every taste preference. Order now and transform your meals into a symphony of flavors with the quality and variety available on Daraz.lk.

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