Dog Toys

880 items found for "Dog Toys"
Rs. 1,190
Rs. 1,350-12%
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Rs. 829
Rs. 1,290-36%
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Rs. 899
Rs. 1,199-25%
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Rs. 529
Rs. 600-12%
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Rs. 649
Rs. 899-28%
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Rs. 595
Rs. 750-21%
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Rs. 849
Rs. 999-15%
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Rs. 599
Rs. 649-8%
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Rs. 949
Rs. 999-5%
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Rs. 1,139
Rs. 1,499-24%
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Rs. 999
Rs. 1,199-17%
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Rs. 599
Rs. 799-25%
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Rs. 524
Rs. 590-11%
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Rs. 449
Rs. 549-18%
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Rs. 599
Rs. 659-9%
Sri Lanka
Rs. 769
Rs. 999-23%
Sri Lanka
Rs. 1,250
Sri Lanka
Rs. 949
Rs. 1,199-21%
Sri Lanka
Rs. 499
Sri Lanka
Rs. 749
Rs. 899-17%
Sri Lanka
Rs. 1,550
Sri Lanka
Rs. 995
Rs. 1,350-26%
Sri Lanka
Rs. 524
Rs. 690-24%
Sri Lanka
Rs. 499
Sri Lanka
Rs. 1,195
Rs. 1,550-23%
Sri Lanka
Rs. 499
Sri Lanka
Rs. 799
Rs. 899-11%
Sri Lanka
Rs. 949
Rs. 1,199-21%
Sri Lanka

Dog Toys: Keeping Your Canine Companion Happy and Healthy

Dogs are more than just pets; they're loyal companions who bring joy and love to our lives. As responsible pet owners, it's our duty to ensure that our furry friends are not only well-fed and safe but also mentally and physically stimulated. Dog toys play a crucial role in keeping your canine companion happy, active, and healthy., your go-to online marketplace, offers a range of dog toys that cater to various needs and preferences. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of dog toys and introduce some of the top dog toys available on, complete with their prices in LKR.

The Importance of Dog Toys

1. Mental Stimulation: Dog toys challenge your pet's problem-solving skills, keeping their mind active and engaged. Interactive toys can also help prevent boredom and reduce destructive behavior.

2. Physical Activity: Many dogs love to play fetch or tug-of-war, which provides much-needed exercise. This helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of obesity.

3. Bonding: Playing with your dog using toys can strengthen the bond between you and your pet. It's a shared experience that brings joy to both you and your furry friend.

4. Dental Health: Certain dog toys are designed to help clean your dog's teeth and gums, promoting better oral health.

Top Dog Toys on

Let's explore some of the top dog toys available on, along with their prices in LKR:

Model Price in LKR
Interactive Treat Dispenser 1,499
Rubber Chew Toy 699
Plush Squeaky Toy 499
Frisbee Dog Toy 599

Choosing the Right Dog Toy

When selecting a dog toy, consider the following factors:

1. Size: Ensure that the toy is an appropriate size for your dog. It should be large enough that your dog can't swallow it but not so big that they can't play with it comfortably.

2. Material: Choose toys made from safe and durable materials. Avoid toys with small parts that your dog could chew off and swallow.

3. Type of Play: Consider your dog's preferences. Some dogs enjoy fetch, while others love to chew or play with squeaky toys. Select a toy that matches your dog's play style.

4. Durability: If your dog is a heavy chewer, look for toys designed to withstand their powerful jaws.

Dog toys are essential for keeping your canine companion happy and healthy. They provide mental stimulation, physical exercise, and the opportunity to bond with your pet. Whether you have a playful puppy, an active adult dog, or a senior pet, there's a dog toy on that suits your needs. Explore the selection of dog toys to find the perfect ones for your beloved pet, and watch them thrive with joy and vitality.

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